Meet our crew

We are dedicated to helping you

MAKETA S JOLLY M.Ed, CBIS, CPH- Is dedicated to providing the best solutions and outcomes for those who have been disenfranchised by fraudulent real estate transactions. With an advanced degree and a background in legal studies, she hopes to gain national attention utilizing media coverage and legislative power to overwhelming bring justice to those otherwise harmed through and by these felonious acts. Moreover, she understands the governmental officials and corporate hedge fund donors who have become multi-dollar billionaires through white-collar crime. 

Ms. Jolly has dedicated and volunteered her services to contact and write the Department of Justice among others to gain national attention to this crisis occurring in middle America. 

Nichole Missino Sole Proprietor- Owns' and operates two gentlemen barbershops where she emphasis total haircare and competency through the clinician experience. Inasmuch, as a vibrant understanding partner of our process, she brings marketing, know-how, and business savvy to overturn otherwise poor business and marketing outcomes. She seeks to implement sound marketing strategies to national gain awareness through new programs which undermine the fabric of middle America communities. She offers a long history of business content and analysis to move individual strategies to national objectives.  

LeeAnne Rodriguez Title Producer- Is a wonderful listener bringing a wealth of knowledge to our understanding as it relates title producing and real estate closings. She offers and extends vast knowledge through personal teaching and pieces of training of those otherwise fiscally illiterate. She offers and an array of understanding and purposeful know-how to execute political change in Washington DC. As a power broker, she applies thoughtful insight and consideration into projects given at any specific time. Her dedication to positive outcomes is immense while offering clear concise considerations.   

2019 Justice For Home Partners of Americas' Victims 
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